A closer look at Sadhguru’s Yashoda controversy

I noticed a curious controversy that broke out recently on Sadhguru’s words regarding Lord Krishna’s mother Yashoda. The controversy itself is based on a misunderstanding of Sadhguru’s intent (caused by a poor choice of the words he used, as I will show) and may have been triggered by vested interests. But what interested me more were the parts of Sadhguru’s speech that many people did not pay much attention to. I believe those are a lot more damaging to Sadhguru’s credibility than the words that caused the trouble. I have also seen how some Isha volunteers have blindly defended Sadhguru and tried to shut down valid criticism. Their act triggered me to write this post. 

The controversy

The controversy arose when an excerpt from a 2005 video of Sadhguru was posted on Twitter. This excerpt was taken from a talk in an event called “Leela” that Sadhguru designed to explore Krishna’s consciousness and his teachings. He was talking about 2 women in Krishna’s life (his mother Yashoda and a demon called Putana) and how they were transformed in their love of Krishna. What became controversial are his remarks on Yashoda that “Her motherhood fell off somewhere by the time he (Krishna) was five or six. After that, she couldn’t really be his mother. She became his lover”. After the controversy, Isha issued a clarification (which they seem to have removed from their website now for some reason, see an archive here) and Sadhguru himself clarified twice (here & here) that he did not intend any sexual love. He said – “Krishna is an embodiment of love. How can anybody be without being in Love? His mother, grandmother, friends, man, woman, child, cows, everybody loves him. That is the only way to be. If you love someone, you are his lover”. Further, he apologized to those who got genuinely hurt. 

A case of bad choice of words

One can definitely believe Sadhguru’s clarification. Leela was created as a tribute to Krishna and many people find those videos quite profound and touching. He would not attribute anything sinful in such an event. However, as he himself came close to admitting in his 2nd clarification, he could have used better words to describe what he wanted to say. In fact, when Isha reproduced the content of the talk back in 2014 on their website here, their editors recognized this problem and made edits (For those wondering, these edits were not done after the controversy, they were present in the 2020 August snapshot on archive.org too)

Original version from the speech:

“Starting with Yashoda, his foster mother. She was deeply in love with the boy. Not just as her son, much more than that. Even when he was just an infant, it was all about the beautiful child she had. But he grew too rapidly. His growth was phenomenal. No mother can adjust her motherhood to that kind of growth. So her motherhood fell off somewhere by the time he was five or six. After that, she couldn’t really be his mother. She became more of his lover. She just loved him.”

Edited version on Isha’s website: (Strikethrough indicates deletions, Bold indicates inserts)

“Starting with Yashoda, his foster mother. She was deeply in love with the boy who loved the boy deeply.  Not just as her son, much more than that. Even when he was just an infant, it was all about the beautiful child she had. But he grew too rapidly. His growth was phenomenal. No mother can adjust her motherhood to that kind of growth. So her motherhood fell off  disappeared somewhere by the time he was five or six. After that, she couldn’t really be his mother. She became more of his lover. She just loved him.”

One can easily see that these edits were not mere grammatical corrections or removing redundant words. The editors also removed/corrected sentences that can provide the wrong connotations. Thus, if someone tries to argue that Sadhguru spoke perfectly fine and it was only “dirty minded” and “evil” people who misunderstood him, they should just look at Isha’s own website. If Isha itself couldn’t carry Sadhguru’s exact words on their website, doesn’t it clearly indicate that his language was problematic, even if his intentions were pure?

Profundity mixed with ignorance

Sadhguru is known for his profound statements on life, consciousness, spirituality and other topics. He has superb talent to convey complex ideas in a simple, clear, attractive and convincing matter. He also has great charisma and is considered by many as an enlightened mystic. All these create a powerful effect that explains why many people get touched and even transformed by his words. But with great power comes great responsibility and one expects Sadhguru to be accurate in what he says. Instead, he repeatedly keeps making basic (and sometimes serious) errors in many things he speaks about (I explained some of them here). One can pardon Sadhguru’s mistakes in explaining science concepts or political issues. But as a spiritual Guru, there is no excuse for his repeated mistakes in explaining spiritual concepts, Sanskrit meanings or scriptural stories. 

Sadhguru made several statements in his talk which were incorrect and misleading. Several people pointed out these mistakes – including @kaundabhatta on Twitter & Lila Prabhu on Youtube (I was particularly impressed with Lila Prabhu who showed a lot of respect to Sadhguru even while pointing out his mistakes). I will summarize them here but do check the links above for more details along with proofs.   

  1. Yashoda’s motherly love got transformed into a spiritual love as Krishna’s divinity is revealed – This is not true. Sadhguru is right in saying that everyone fell in love with Krishna but everyone loved him in their own way. Yashoda, in particular, always retained her motherly love even after she witnessed Krishna’s divine play. Krishna himself ensured this through his Maya. Sadhguru completely misses this nuance. 
  2. Yashoda became a Gopi and attended the Raas Leela along with others – Sadhguru rightly clarified that Raas Leela (in its widest meaning) is an expression of divine love and not a sexual affair. But there is no mention anywhere that Yashoda attended the Raas Leela events along with other Gopis.
  3. Yashoda did not like Radha and became jealous of her – Not sure where Sadhguru picked up this information but Yashoda fully approved Radha. As clarified above, Yashoda always had only motherly love for Krishna and so there is no scope for any jealousy. 
  4. Krishna did not return to Vrindavan after he left to Mathura – This is incorrect and Krishna did continue to visit Vrindavan even after he left to Mathura.
  5. Putana, sent to poison Krishna, got transformed by her love for Krishna and offered her life willingly – This is quite strange! If Putana got fascinated by Krishna and love oozed out of her, why would she offer him milk when she knew that her breasts are poisoned? In contrast to what Sadhguru says, the Bhagavata says (translation by Prabhupada) –

    “On that very spot, the fiercely dangerous Rākṣasī took Kṛṣṇa on her lap and pushed her breast into His mouth. The nipple of her breast was smeared with a dangerous, immediately effective poison, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, becoming very angry at her, took hold of her breast, squeezed it very hard with both hands, and sucked out both the poison and her life.”

So many mistakes in a small talk, the major one being a misrepresentation of Yashoda’s love towards Krishna, a misrepresentation that he repeats in the latest 2 clarifications that he provided. Shouldn’t Sadhguru be better prepared when he was conducting an event on Krishna? Of course, everyone makes mistakes occasionally but Sadhguru has a habit of making ignorant and misleading remarks in the guise of mastery. He seems to be confident that people would listen to anything he says.

Blind devotion and blind defence

In December 2020, someone on Twitter pointed out Sadhguru’s mistake about average food consumption by humans in their life time and made fun of it. In response, Isha officially gave a strong reply which several people (including me) found impolite. 

Responding to a question on this, Sadhguru praised the Maa who made the Tweet and said that Lord Rama did not carry bow & arrows just for decoration! He said that several vested interests are spewing venom on Isha and should be given a fitting reply. But no one said that Isha should not defend itself. The question is – do you stoop down to the level of your enemy or do you maintain your dignity? Rama did kill Ravana but he did it in a way that is fitting of Rama. 

Encouraging his followers on social media to become trolls when required but be nice otherwise is a very bad advice. Social media often behaves like a war zone where your side is fighting with the “people on the other side”. There are no nuances and even well intentioned people are regularly marked as an “enemy” and a target for attack. This is a very convenient way to insulate against all criticism. If someone makes a valid criticism, just mark him as an enemy and if an enemy makes a valid criticism he need not be answered! 

Taking a leaf out of Sadhguru’s book is the Twitter user StringReveals, whose Youtube channel String seems to be quite popular. I happened to watch his recent 3 part series addressing several criticisms against Sadhguru. In part 2, he decides to expose one of Sadhguru’s critics who goes by the name Vaibhav. Vaibhav posted a thread on Twitter in response to Sadhguru’s comments on Yashoda where he pointed out several things including Sadhguru’s lack of knowledge in Sanskrit and Hindu Scriptures, how he mixes Hindu concepts with Buddhism and how he misrepresents several traditional concepts. Some of his criticism is definitely valid and some of it seems baseless but he did not appear abusive (My impression is just based on this thread. I did not read his entire Twitter posts on Sadhguru). He even starts the thread by saying – “I will not abuse neither I support anyone abusing him (Sadhguru), he is an old man”. 

But StringReveals decides that he is an enemy who must be silenced. His anger seems to come from Vaibhav’s rejection of Sadhguru because Sadhguru never read scriptures and Vedas! He asks with a smirk on his face – “Can you tell me what percentage of Hindus know scriptures and Vedas?”. This kind of reasoning may win applauds with Sadhguru fans but it is entirely flawed. An average Hindu may not know anything about scriptures but that is not an excuse for Sadhguru to not know anything when he goes around commenting on Krishna, Mahabharata, Gita, Yoga, Vedanta and other traditional topics as if he is a scholar. StringReveals then calls Vaibhav and records the conversation. It does not appear like a pre-arranged meeting and I am not sure if StringReveals took Vaibhav’s permission before recording. He starts by asking a rude question – “Anna (Brother), are you on drugs or something?” and from then on the conversation goes downhill with StringReveals constantly interrupting, mocking and abusing Vaibhav. Among other things, he calls Vaibhav “bloody idiot” & “mentally retarded”, strong words that would have possibly made Sadhguru proud! When Vaibhav tries to say that he has attached proofs for his criticism StringReveals discards them saying “You have attached all the proofs of your stinking mind”. Yes, Yes! Only what Sadhguru’s mind conceives of is the absolute truth even when scriptures don’t agree with him! Vaibhav provides a very common and valid definition of Hinduism which StringReveals strongly objects to, because, well, it doesn’t align with what Sadhguru said! You see, Sadhguru is the ultimate authority, the great mystic, the divine incarnation and no one should question him. 

I was angered and shocked to see how StringReveals treated Vaibhav. To StringReveals, I want to say this: You behaved like a troll and did not show basic human courtesy when talking to someone. And now you are proud of it? There are any number of powerful people who spew venom on Sadhguru but you do not dare to attack them like this in a conversation. Instead, you choose one harmless and hapless guy, pounce upon him and celebrate victory? What cowardice is this? If you are really brave, have the courage to go beyond your deeply held feelings for Sadhguru and start to get inquisitive and investigate/verify what he is saying. You will see for yourself that he is full of inconsistencies and is taking everyone for a ride!


When I left Isha in 2017, I had my disagreements and doubts about Isha and Sadhguru but I had confidence in the overall health of the organization. 3 years later, as I keep learning more things about them, I am not so sure. I see that Sadhguru is more blatantly defending his actions and his followers are more blindly supporting him. Sadhguru becomes their God, his words the sacred scriptures and doing whatever he says their blessed duty. Any “red flags” they see can be easily explained or ignored or discarded as false. And if their logical mind troubles them sometimes they can easily take satisfaction in Sadhguru’s teaching to go beyond the logical mind. Anyone opposing Sadhguru must be in ignorance because Sadhguru is faultless. There is only one cardinal sin – to question or doubt Sadhguru. This is the new world spirituality of Sadhguru and something about it doesn’t seem right. Not right at all! It worries me but none of the Isha devotees seem to bother or even notice this. The show goes on!

P.S: For those interested, all my previous articles on Isha and Sadhguru are here


14 responses to “A closer look at Sadhguru’s Yashoda controversy”

  1. John Hong Avatar
    John Hong

    Dear Phanindra,

    You said good bye to Isha years ago. I wonder why you keep finding faults with Sadhguru/Isha and keep writing about it. Is Isha doing such a harm to society that you need to save people from it? Does it help you in any way? Do you think it helps anyone else? Or is it just to pass your time and have some fun writing? Nobody in this creation is prefect. Not even our holy scriptures. People have debated those and written opposing interpretations and commentaries on those for ages! Somewhere in your earlier post you said you were a seeker. Your posts certainly do not give any indication of that.


    1. Dear John,

      Thanks for your comment! You made some valid points but taking a step back, I wonder why you refuse to probe Sadhguru? Why do Isha devotees do not attempt to dig deeper into what Sadhguru says and satisfy themselves with all kinds of explanations on why one should not do so? Why do we need to restrict ourselves to a narrow definition of a “seeker”? Sadhguru has “expanded” the traditional definition of a Guru – he played Golf, rode bikes, even got pilot license and wanted to get his own plane, drank coffee and ate sea food while asking others to not consume those etc etc. All this was accepted with a “broad mind” by Isha followers. If so, why should the definition of a seeker be so restrictive? Sadhguru goes on commenting on everything under the sun including physics and politics and has an opinion on everyone but no one should offer their opinion on him? Why this submissiveness in the name of devotion? Is it because we invested so much in Sadhguru, that we fear the possibility of finding something uncomfortable if we probe deeper?

      You mentioned about interpretations & commentaries. We have such a rich tradition of “vada” (argumentation) in the Indian culture. Several schools have developed and improved their philosophies based on criticism. They never shied away from it. So why does Isha run away from any criticism that they cannot answer or downplays it? Why can’t they answer if they can or just acknowledge simply that it was a mistake and correct it?

      Isha may be doing great things and precisely because it is doing such great things, it must be judged at a higher standard. Sadhguru with millions of followers and vast influence over many lives, must be judged at a higher standard. He has a responsibility to be accurate in whatever he says. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether I am a “true seeker” or not. It impacts no one. What matters tremendously is whether Sadhguru is a “true guru” or not. Many lives depend on it.

      I wish you all the best in your spiritual journey from the bottom of my heart. May truth shine upon all of us and enlighten us.


      Liked by 1 person

    2. Anand Avatar

      Hi John,
      Let me draw some parallels.

      Let’s say you work in a big pharma company manufacturing drugs. You encounter a web of systematic fraud. The result: drugs of dubious purity thereby potentially endangering safety of thousands of patients.

      What do you do? You have 3 options:-
      1) Keep quiet and continue
      2) Whistle-blow – Internally
      3) Whistle-blow – Externally; for e.g.-raise it to the regulatory authority – FDA (example)

      In all cases you would stop consuming the drugs for personal use.

      The above case is well documented and can be referenced easily in the public domain. It’s Ranbaxy. The whistle-blower: Mr. Dinesh Thakur.

      Let’s keep the above in context while we explore the questions raised by you.

      No. Am not hinting that Isha is a fraud. Or that Phanindra is a whistle-blower akin to Mr. Dinesh Thakur. However Phanindra’s blog does seem to articulate very well some of the most serious dilemmas and questions faced by sincere seekers who are on the path with Isha in a most unbiased way without loosing balance and ad hominem attacks on Sadhguru. Let’s look at your questions one by one.

      1st Question:-

      I wonder why you keep finding faults with Sadhguru/Isha and keep writing about it.

      Sadhguru is a public figure and is a purported “Guru”. And Isha – dispenses with yogic practices (products) such as Inner Engineering, Shoonya, Hatha Yoga, Bhava Spandana and Samyama.

      Secondary offerings include selling (masquerading them as “Offerings” and giving “Donation” receipts) : Yantras, Sannidhi Padam, Kailash Yatra, Southern Sojourns, Kashi Yatra, Himalayan walks, Kailash Teertha (Water from Kailash!)

      Additional offerings include large public scale programs such as: Project Green Hands, Clinics, Rally for Rivers, Youth for Truth, Kaveri Calling and now FreeTNTemples. The back bone of all these projects – volunteers!

      Also volunteers working in various stages of involvement handling:-
      Public Relations, Twitter Veeras, Facebook Veeras, Quora Veeras, Nadi Veeras- besides managing his public reputation team and legal team.

      Tertiary offerings of Sadhguru include: Continuous Digital Content disseminated on every social media platform available- website, blogs, youtube, twitter, quora, facebook, instagram, whatsapp…and even LinkedIn. The list goes on.

      All under the pretext of “One drop of Spirituality to everyone”

      The average age of Volunteers: Majority being in the age group of 18-30 years.

      The reach: Isha states – more than 11 million volunteers!

      I am not sure why a person in a public domain with that kind of influence (on youth) should be above public scrutiny or questions?

      2nd Question:-

      Is Isha doing such a harm to society that you need to save people from it?

      Yes & No. The answer depends on where exactly you are on your journey and how closely (high resolution) can you scrutinize this phenomenon called Isha.

      No- Isha is not a harm. Particulary in case you just limit yourself to the Yoga offerings of Isha.
      No harm, particularly if you take entry @ Inner Engineering, exit @ Samyama. And be done with it.

      Yes-In case you start getting seriously involved beyond a point as a volunteer.

      For example: Climbing up the volunteering totem pole- starting with:
      Center volunteering, Center Coordinator, Satsang Coordinator,Materials Coordinator, Database Coordinator, Managing Whats App groups, nurturing other Isha newbies of Inner Engineering, donating 7% (of your salary or profits) Ishanga, buying commoditized spiritual products of Isha such as “Teertha Kund”, Bhairavi Kawach, Yantras, leaving carrier and family behind and moving into Ashram with a intent to volunteer with Isha as a Full time. And then sometimes going ahead and becoming a Bhramachari at Isha.

      Now why is the above a cause of harm. It is not a cause of harm…its just that it is a wasted life. Why? Because it does not lead you anywhere close to the Truth. How do you define “Truth”? I don’t know. But someone who has spent a considerable time with Isha as an Insider,
      can say this bit at least: One cannot reach the truth using Lies. Don’t worry about the Truth…just ensure that you don’t stick with the lies!

      What Lies you may ask? Well am not sure I can label “them” lies…but “Phani” in his various blogs covered various topics concerning this. Some of these that have been consummately foisted by Isha and Sadhguru in the public domain are:-

      1) Sadhguru and Bilva story – unverifiable

      2) Mahasamadhi story of his wife – unverifiable as body burnt without post-mortem

      3) Only a grahastha yogi can consecrate Dhyanalinga as mentioned in Rig Veda (in Mystic Musings) – Downright Lies

      4) Bhojpur temple near Bhopal -as an example of failed Dhyanalinga Consecration attempt – fact not supported by ASI

      5) Purported enlightenment at Chamundi Hills – unverifiable

      6) Past life – Sadhguru Sri Brahma Story – unverifiable

      7) Clap and cracked Dhyanalinga – Downright Lies – a fact contradicted by his own Bhramachari

      8) Story of 3 enlightened lifetimes behind him – Unverifiable

      9) Yogi Sunira Story – unverifiable

      10)Sadhguru & his X-Ray Vision – red underwear story of his teacher/ Book by Arundhati Subramanium. This can be verified if Sadhguru is a game for it. However he knows that his bluff can be exposed and won’t agree!

      11) Practices copied from Rishi Prabhakar and re-branded as that coming from Sadhguru – fact now exposed completely as lies

      12) Controversies around land grabbing, elephant corridor, various cases at High Court and now one even SLP at Supreme Court filed by Isha.

      This list can be extended by another dozen points more! However, you get the idea.
      You asked: Is Isha doing such a harm to society that you need to save people from it?

      Answer —
      a) No one can save others..People need to save themselves. The blog posts by Phani serve as guiding post, a North Star for many such people who want to dig deeper and are not convinced at the cosmetics of Isha!

      b) Is Isha doing such a harm to society? An unqualified yes. It is doing an incalculable harm of contaminating a spiritual process by waylaying youth under the garb of “One drop of Spirituality”. Such overarching goals look good with Google and Microsoft’s of the world. Not a Spiritual Process

      My own biased (& polite opinion):- Dispensing Spiritual process to the masses sans integrity is a potential disaster of epic proportions- waiting to happen.

      3rd Question

      Does it help you in any way?

      An indirect response.
      When Dinesh Thakur did the whistle-blowing act at Ranbaxy – how did that help him? This whistle-blower placed his life in danger by doing so.

      4th Question

      Do you think it helps anyone else?

      Again an indirect response. How did the whistle-blowing act at Ranbaxy benefit those who consume its drugs?

      Ranbaxy manufactured drugs- people consumed it when they needed it. Isha dispenses Yoga en masse and has global ambitions with tag line of “one drop of spirituality”? And millions of seekers consume its offerings.

      This blog may not be useful to you. But it would be useful to:-

      a) To someone who is getting a little bit more serious on this path with Isha

      b) Someone whose daughter may be toying with the idea of moving into the Ashram as a “Veera” – resulting in a career break

      c) Someone who may be thinking of being a Bhramachari with Isha

      d) Anyone else getting seriously enamored with Isha and getting into things like Inner Engineering Teacher training or Hatha Teacher Training, etc.

      e) Couples thinking of winding their city existence and donating all money to Isha and moving into Ashram full time as a volunteer

      f) A parent who may be thinking of putting their kid into Isha Home School or Samskriti

      g) Someone who is enamored with the vision of dispensing “One drop of Spirituality” and thinking of becoming a Teacher with Isha

      h) Millions of volunteers who get emotionally involved with volunteering and shortchange their career, family and personal life.

      i) Gullible, incredulous masses who move into Isha with an intent to give their “One Solar Cycle” of their life time to Isha Projects with a firm belief that Sadhguru would take care of every other aspect of their lives – and would be there when needed.

      j) Those who believe that unflinching devotion to Sadhguru would pave their own path for Mahasamadhi. If his wife could attain, why can’t I?

      5th Question

      Or is it just to pass your time and have some fun writing?

      John – this is the most comprehensive, unbiased account of the Yashodha Controversy. Not only that, Phani even goes ahead and deconstructs the modus operandi of several other things, such as:-

      a) The String-reveals Channel and the distasteful way it has responded in this case

      b) The routine belligerence displayed by Isha Foundation in its tweet response to the food consumption controversy

      c) The inanity of Sadhguru’s response: how he goes ahead and praises the maa in the sathsang and puts up a video as a response

      Guess, no one engages into such things with the intention to pass time. Or to say it differently: The whistle-blower’s fact finding may not be of interest to you, because you may not be consuming the Ranbaxy Medicines!

      Your concluding remarks:-

      –Nobody in this creation is prefect – Not sure of this one
      –Not even our holy scriptures – Again not sure. Am not sure on what basis do you say that. But there are so many of them and a single lifetime is insufficient to go through all of them.
      Side note: when I was learning elementary mathematics – there was no concept of negative numbers or imaginary numbers. All these concepts were introduced at a high school level. Shall leave the rest for you to fill in!

      -People have debated those and written opposing interpretations and commentaries on those for ages- Possibly. This has a ring of truth in it. The above side note applies here too!

      -Somewhere in your earlier post you said you were a seeker. Your posts certainly do not give any indication of that

      My response:
      1) I see the opposite. Everyone journey is different. And it evolves at its own pace. Its unique.
      And yes..how about being a finder?

      2) One’s Spiritual journey is too personal to be discussed and dissected threadbare in public fora like this.

      Congratulations if you have read this far….You may be wondering why did I use the example of Pharma company here? If you truly understand a mass scale subterfuge and how it works in one domain, you will make no mistake in deciphering another subterfuge, no matter where you encounter it, whether it is in Politics or Spirituality or Corporate world. Its all about human behaviors.

      In a nutshell: Ranbaxy’s global sales were $1 billion, selling 200 products in 40 countries. It sold AIDS medicine in Africa too. In one of the meetings, the top executive of the board walks into the board room and says: “I need profits. I don’t care about the quality of drugs sold in Africa. “It’s just blacks dying.”!The drugs sold by Ranbaxy were purposely contaminated with chalk, glass and grease!

      What do you do with such a corporate culture which accepts fraud as a default way of operating? When the internal whistle-blowing did not work, Dinesh Thakur choose to resign. And then he could have chosen to kept quiet…instead he reported this to FDA.

      This is a prime example of what happens when the global ambitions are divorced of ethics and conscience. And a hand that dispenses a Spiritual Process should be of unimpeachable character!

      Words on public forums have its own limitations. In fact more words don’t necessarily lead to more clarity. This is as far as words could explain!

      Best of luck on your own path.


      1.  Avatar

        Anand, Can I have your number?

        Want to expose it, the truth of everything there to either media or television or ott platforms and spread awareness, the foundation is basically a scam and fraud


  2.  Avatar

    Well, Phani, you seem to think that you hold the “truth” and you certainly expect Sadhguru to be “perfect” according to your perception of how you think a guru should be.

    Well you are in for a big surprise. Not a single guru or enlightened person that walked on this earth ever fulfilled the expectations of everyone and most were severely criticized during their lifetimes, even killed (Socrates, Jesus…)

    You seem to be an intelligent person, so why do you spend your time scrutinizing the behavior of anyone, of someone’s philosophy or even scriptures? If you like a teaching, by all means take what is beneficial for you and ignore what is not.

    The Truth, or Reality cannot be threatened, it never changes. The mind and all senses of perception are subject to change, therefore, they cannot ‘perceive’ Reality.

    Do you want to be ‘right’ or do you want to be Happy?

    If you are so obsessed with “exposing” Sadhguru, ask yourself Why? The “person” cannot be perfect. Even the guru’s body and mind are not perfect. Only our Being is Real, changeless and everlasting. Words and concepts cannot reach that understanding. The guru (teacher) tries to point to that Truth. Don’t look at the “guru”, watch to where he is pointing.

    Wishing you lots of Happiness, Joy and Peace…for that is who you Truly Are.

    And enjoy your young life, have fun!!!



    1. Hi Eveline,

      Thanks for your comments. I never said I hold the truth. I just said – “See this contradiction that is in plain sight. Let us explore to find out the truth”. You are basically saying – “No need to explore anything, ignore all the red flags, just trust the spiritual process”. I wonder what makes you trust Sadhguru or the spiritual process so much? In Indian spirituality, we definitely have the concept of Sraddha (faith/trust) but it was never blind. You are encouraged to ask all questions and get satisfactory answers, even while trusting the whole thing.

      I don’t expect Sadhguru to be perfect. I agree that no Guru is perfect and everyone had some or other allegations. But all allegations are not the same and if you look at Gurus who were exposed as fraud, you will find that they had serious allegations preceding them. Many Isha devotees who dedicated their lives to Sadhguru and were close to him have left the ashram. So when we blindly trust a Guru, refuse to look deeper into allegations surrounding him and brush aside all aberrations as mere imperfections, we are doing it at our own peril.

      I have been an Isha devotee and completely understand your mindset. Even I was thinking exactly like you back then. People often receive something profound from Sadhguru and that creates a deep trust. When we have it, we take comfort in it and disregard all red flags with wise sounding spiritual words. I did this myself. When this trust breaks one day, you will see everything in a new light and wonder how you have been so gullible. It happened to so many genuine spiritual seekers across the world and across different Gurus and organizations and shattered them. Yet we don’t learn and keep ignoring the obvious. Surely, we are not intelligent because intelligence requires freedom to explore and satisfying ourselves with explanations instead of watching what is right before our eyes is not it.

      I wish you all happiness in your spiritual pursuit too.



  3. AHATCHO Avatar

    I dont agree with you, you are misinterpreting him and with this misunderstanding you are creating a conclusion. My last one year being with sadhguru and the practices have been beautful. Especially his wisdom has heleped me grow a lot. Many of my so called problems have dissapeared from my life. And I am not blindly following him, Also I think one needs to have enough intelligence to be rational with a man like sadhguru or things will just go above your head and you will continue misinterpreting.


    1. May I ask where I misrepresented him? You can say – “Here you got it wrong. This is the right understanding” etc. Then we can discuss more.

      I have no doubt that Sadhguru helps people and even transforms their lives. I don’t deny that. But that doesn’t mean we have to accept whatever he says. If he is quoting from scriptures and got his story wrong, we can definitely point it out.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. […] recently got a comment on my Yashoda controversy article by a user named John Hong. He asked me several critical questions […]


  5. God knows Avatar
    God knows

    Hi….i am woman 31 years old undergoing extreme torture from Sadhguru jaggi vasudev and isha foundation for the paat 5 years in the name of teaching ……. I cannot make a police complaint because people will not believe me.Can anyone here listen to me and tell me how to get freedom from his evil clutches?? Badly in need of help

    Liked by 1 person

    1.  Avatar

      Hi, I am in a similar situation,can you please give me your number?



  6.  Avatar

    It is commendable that you have taken up this issue on your website which added an extra element helpful in resolving this issue.In your blog you have praised Amogh Lila for
    for his humble clarification and reply to Sadhguru which you might have infered after seeing his video on the channel MY ASHRAYA.Yes,it was indeed an humble reply.But if one will see his video,he has mentioned SADHGURU name as SAD-GURU.I donot know whether its intentional or not.Moreover,although he was humble and polite in his video,YOU MUST ALSO CHECK THE COMMENT THAT IS PINNED WITH THIS PARTICULAR VIDEO.This does not show that they meant what they have said. The exact words mentioned in the comment are, ‘I like such people who are really spiritual..Sadhguru who m


  7. Aditya Ranjan Avatar
    Aditya Ranjan

    It is commendable that you have taken up this issue on your website which added an extra element helpful in resolving this issue.In your blog you have praised Amogh Lila for
    for his humble clarification and reply to Sadhguru which you might have infered after seeing his video on the channel MY ASHRAYA.Yes,it was indeed an humble reply.But if one will see his video,he has mentioned SADHGURU name as SAD-GURU.I donot know whether its intentional or not.Moreover,although he was humble and polite in his video,YOU MUST ALSO CHECK THE COMMENT THAT IS PINNED WITH THIS PARTICULAR VIDEO.This does not show that they meant what they have said. The exact words mentioned in the comment are, ‘I like such people who are really spiritual..Unlike Sadhguru who makes videos of cooking in his foreign country home and what not.
    I am not against any spiritual guru or bhakta (especially krishna-bhakta) ,but I am just mentioning the facts as they are.When one will see Amogh Lila’s video on Shiva,there are many things he has mentioned which is a reflection of his biasness.One of that was his strong sarcasm and mockery on Advaita Vedanta.He said that Shankracharya’s philosophy was just meant to seperate devotees from non devotees and non believer of god.Moreover he even compared his theory with a restaurant serving free wine to people.There are many such things in this particular video.No doubt he praised Lord Shiva and considered him the Highest Vaishnava or highest devotee of Lord Krishna.But the way he presented this video, IT SEEMED MORE OF AN IMPOSTION OF KRISHNA AS SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD,RATHER THAN AN INSPIRATION.I was hurt by his approach of spreading Krishna Consciousness,although I am a devotee of Krishna.If anyone believe that there is any such claim in this blog that is untrue,you must check by yourself.

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    1. Hi Aditya,

      Thanks for your comments. I was not endorsing Amogh Lila in my post. I merely referred to his video since his explanation was good. It is possible that he (or the channel) does not like Sadhguru. In general, ISKCON gurus always bash Advaita and always deny that Shiva is on par with Vishnu. I disagree with them on this aspect. But these are irrelevant to the main argument I made in this post.

      We can always agree with a person’s ideas/arguments/actions on one topic and disagree with them in another. But we often get so trapped in the “personality” that we cannot accept deficiencies in the people we love and goodness in the people we hate.



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